Once there lived a poor man. He had a wonderful goose of his own. He was then very happy with his goose. It was a matter of fact that it laid a golden egg every day. As a village man, he was once very poor. Though the farmer was poor, he became rich by selling the eggs in the market. He used to get enough money for each golden egg and the eggs were in good demand. He was turning richer day by day. But he wanted to be richer overnight. He wanted to get all the eggs at a time and to be rich overnight by selling the eggs in the local market. He thought he would get thousands of golden eggs at a time. As per his imagination and plan, the poor greedy farmer took a sharp Knife and cut its stomach with it. He did not feel anything else. But it is a matter of sorrow that he found no egg inside the belly of the goose. On the other hand, the goose died. Finally, the greedy farmer became frustrated and started crying loudly. Alas! He lost his magical goose.  In fact, far from becoming rich, he became poorer than as he was before. However, he could realize his blunder, but there was no way to get back the wonderful goose. The greedy farmer understood that his excessive greed led him to destruction.


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