Once upon a time, there was a cobbler who loved to work and sing all day. He was very happy with his life. He could not earn that much but he had an inner satisfaction. He believed that true happiness wasn’t about having lots of money but feeling good about what you have. However, he was surrounded by a group of rich people compared to his life. His rich neighbor, Mr Green, was a banker who always worried about money. One day, Mr. Green asked the cobbler, “How much do you earn in a year?” He asked this to make the cobbler feel that his life was not worth it as he did not have so much money.

The cobbler chuckled, “I don’t even think about it! I just work hard and have enough to eat and sleep.”Mr. Green felt sorry for the cobbler and said, “You should be richer! Here, take this bag of coins!” the bag was full of gold coins. Each coin is worth a huge amount of money.

The cobbler was shocked! He’d never seen so much money before. He hid it in his house, but then a worry popped into his head: “What if someone steals it?!” He couldn’t sleep or work, thinking about his hidden treasure. Finally, he realized the money had stolen his happiness. He marched to Mr. Green’s house and returned the coins. “I don’t need this,” he said, “it makes me worry.”

From that day on, the cobbler went back to singing and working, happier than ever. He learned that true riches are not always made of gold but of peace and contentment.  He got back his lost life with full of happiness.

This story is written by Faysal Khan on behalf of the FKENGLISH team



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