Write a short composition on Deforestation.


Deforestation! There is no doubt that trees are the hearts of nature. In maintaining ecological balance, the contribution of Trees is beyond description. Trees produce oxygen and consume carbon dioxide. Without oxygen, no living thing can live on this earth. It also gives shade and makes the environment calm and cool.

Trees are extremely necessary for our existence. It also saves us from natural calamities. But unnecessarily many trees are being cut down every year. This cutting down of trees is called deforestation. This is an inevitable problem haunting the world. According to ecologists, for a livable environment, there should be 25% of the total land area.

In Bangladesh, there is 16% forest of the total land. To meet up the basic needs of food and housing, we are cutting down trees to a large extent. Different areas of the world are becoming deserts as an effect of deforestation. In the absence of trees, carbon dioxide is increasing worldwide. This is why we are going to face the Greenhouse effect.

Today global warming is growing. The sea level is rising. Any time in future the earth may be engulfed by seas. The government should impose new rules to prevent deforestation as well as make people informed about the dangerous effects of it. We should pledge ourselves that trees should be planted in plenty and take proper care of them.

Some reports with strong evidence report that the world’s temperature is increasing day by day. This alarming increase in the world’s temperature is known as global warming. The main cause of global warming is the increasing amounts of carbon dioxide around the earth. Deforestation is the main reason for global warming.

Our government should be strict about this heinous work “deforestation”. We along with the government should make people aware of tree plantation and we have to show them clearly the negative effects of deforestation. We should keep in mind that trees are the ultimate thing for our existence. Can we imagine that there is no tree, there is no oxygen?


Trees stand tall like the beating hearts of nature, keeping our world in balance. They breathe life into us by creating the air we need to survive, turning harmful carbon dioxide into fresh oxygen. Just like a shady umbrella on a hot day, they cool and calm our environment, making it a more pleasant place to be.

But these green guardians are in danger. Deforestation, the chopping down of trees, is happening more than ever, creating a major problem for our planet. Imagine a world with only 16% trees, like it is in Bangladesh! That’s far from the recommended 25% needed for a healthy environment.

Without enough trees, the bad stuff, like carbon dioxide, builds up in the air. This “greenhouse effect” traps heat, making our planet warmer. This warming melts glaciers, raising sea levels and threatening coastal areas. It’s scary to think our world could be covered by water!

To stop this, we need stricter rules against deforestation and to plant lots more trees. Governments can help, but we all have a part to play. We can spread the word about the dangers of deforestation and plant trees whenever we can. Remember, every tree counts!

Think about it: no trees, no oxygen, no life. Let’s protect our green guardians and keep our planet healthy and happy!


Imagine a world without trees, a place choked with dust, scorching hot under a relentless sun, and gasping for breath. Scary, isn’t it? Trees are like the beating heart of nature, silently working to keep us alive. They breathe in the carbon dioxide we exhale and breathe out the oxygen we need to survive. They cool the air with their shade, shelter countless animals, and hold the soil in place, preventing floods and landslides.

But these silent giants are in trouble. Every year, millions of trees are chopped down, leaving behind scars on our planet. This is called deforestation, and it’s a big problem. Without enough trees, the air gets dirtier, the Earth heats up, and our homes become deserts.

In Bangladesh, for example, we only have about 16% of our land covered in trees, while experts say we need at least 25% for a healthy environment. We cut down trees for many reasons, like making furniture or clearing land for farming, but the cost is too high.

The Earth is getting hotter, the oceans are rising, and extreme weather events are becoming more common. These are all signs of a problem called global warming, and deforestation is a major culprit.

So what can we do? The government needs to make stricter rules to protect trees and educate people about the dangers of deforestation. But we can all do our part too! We can plant trees, take care of the ones already growing, and use less paper and wood products.

Remember, trees are not just pretty decorations; they are essential for our survival. Let’s pledge to protect these silent heroes and ensure a greener, healthier future for ourselves and generations to come.


Trees are the heartbeat of our planet. They provide the oxygen we breathe and help regulate the climate. Deforestation threatens the delicate ecological balance that sustains all life on Earth. Despite the vital importance of forests, we continue to cut down trees at an alarming rate. This dangerous trend is known as deforestation.

According to ecologists, a livable environment requires forest covering at least 25% of the total land area. In Bangladesh, forests account for only 16% of the land, well below the recommended threshold. To meet growing demands for food and housing, we clear forests without regard for the consequences. This short-sighted approach is turning once lush regions of the world into barren deserts.

Deforestation is accelerating the greenhouse effect and global climate change. With fewer trees to absorb carbon dioxide, levels of this heat-trapping gas are rising dangerously in our atmosphere. As a result, global temperatures are increasing, causing sea levels to rise and threatening to submerge coastal cities in the coming decades. This global warming will lead to more extreme weather, crop failures, and mass extinction of plant and animal species.

Trees provide so many priceless services – from stabilizing soil to providing habitat for wildlife. We reap countless benefits from their beauty and bounty. Yet our actions show we have taken trees for granted. Our greed blinds us to the long-term costs of deforestation. We rationalize our recklessness with the short-term economic gains of clearing forests for agriculture and development. But we can no longer afford to squander Earth’s forests for fleeting profits.

Preserving our planet for future generations will require ending deforestation and embarking on a new path – sustainable forestry. Government must implement stricter protections for existing woodlands and incentivize reforestation. But laws alone are not enough. We must change attitudes towards stewardship of our shared natural heritage. Through education and activism, concerned citizens worldwide must mobilize to defend and replenish threatened forests.

The government needs to take a firm stance against deforestation, which is extremely damaging. The public should be educated about the importance of planting trees and the negative impacts of deforestation. We must recognize that trees are essential for our survival – without them, there would be no oxygen. We should promote awareness that if there are no trees left, there will be no oxygen for us to breathe. Government and citizens alike must work together to end deforestation and encourage reforestation.


Without a doubt, trees are the lifeblood of the natural world. Their contribution to maintaining the delicate balance of our ecosystem is immeasurable. Trees play a vital role in producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide, the very gases that sustain life on Earth. Additionally, they provide shade and create a serene and cool environment.

The significance of trees cannot be overstated; they are essential for our survival. Not only do they safeguard us from natural disasters, but they also enhance our quality of life. Unfortunately, the wanton destruction of trees, known as deforestation, has become an unavoidable problem plaguing our planet. Ecologists assert that for a habitable environment, at least 25% of the total land area should be covered by forests.

Regrettably, in Bangladesh, only 16% of the land is covered by forests. In pursuit of meeting our basic needs for food and shelter, we are cutting down trees at an alarming rate. This rampant deforestation has transformed various regions of the world into deserts. As a consequence, the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are increasing, leading to the menacing greenhouse effect.

Presently, global warming is on the rise, and sea levels are steadily increasing. There is a looming threat that our planet may one day be submerged beneath the seas. Governments must implement stringent regulations to prevent deforestation and educate the populace about its perilous consequences. We must pledge ourselves to plant trees abundantly and care for them diligently.

Multiple reports, supported by compelling evidence, indicate that the world’s temperature is escalating day by day. This alarming phenomenon is known as global warming. The primary cause of global warming is the escalating levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, largely due to deforestation.

It is high time that our government takes decisive action against the heinous act of deforestation. We, as responsible citizens, must also play our part in raising awareness about the importance of tree plantation and highlighting the adverse effects of deforestation. Let us always bear in mind that trees are the linchpin of our existence. Without them, can we even imagine a world devoid of oxygen?

This is a simple composition written by Faysal Khan on behalf of the FKENGLISH team.

Categories: COMPOSITON


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